About us
Since 2014 we roam the entire Amarante region, gathering information and images of more than 100 species that occur in this area. Step by step, we widened the research area to the whole country, with a particular focus on Northern Portugal. The area we explored in most detail is the series of mountain ranges from Alvão in the north, through Marão and Aboboreira ranges, up to the Montemuro mountain range in the south.
Meanwhile, since 2017 we have developed environmental educational activities with school-age children, always keeping birdwatching and birds as a background.
We offer two different tours for birdwatchers. On the first, you will get to know the mountain areas, rivers and valleys around Amarante, and on the other one, dedicated to the experienced birdwatcher, you will be shown the coastal areas of Minho to Douro area on the border with Spain.
These tours last for one day minimum, and can be adapted to target for specific species.
Northern Portugal can be defined as the area that lies north of halfway between Douro and Mondego rivers. It is an area of rugged landscape and plenty of watercourses. It is located in the climatic transition zone between the temperate European and the Mediterranean climates, and the weather is influenced by two principal forces - the Atlantic Ocean and the continental climate.
This combination of characteristics results in an impressive abundance of very diverse natural habitats, for example mountain zones, green river valleys, mediterranean plateaus, estuaries and maritime zones.
Find out more about our birdwatching tours here.
Because of such diversity in landscape, climate and vegetation, Northern Portugal hosts populations of very distinct species of animals. This territory offers the opportunity to observe a wide range of wildlife, from mediterranean to temperate forest species, and often both in the same area. On a few square kilometres only, we can find animals that inhabit mountains, wetlands and agricultural zones.

Portugal's northern region is well known for its landscape full of contrasts and for keeping its traditions alive. You will encounter an abundance of traditional delicacies like smoked meat of local breeds, cheeses and unexpected dishes, exquisite wines and homemade desserts. At the end of the day you will be able to relax in local accommodation, surrounded by nature and unforgettable landscapes.